//Song Review// The Zangwills look ahead with new single 'Never Looked Back'

When dealing with the past there are two routes a person can take, facing up to what happened head-on, or take the lessons you learnt from it and move on with your life acknowledging the changes it made.
‘Never Looked Back’, the latest offering from Cheshire indie band The Zangwills, is a song all about the inevitability of change, and the limbo that comes before: do I keep this close to my chest? Or do I simply let it free back into the world?
Musically the song creates an atmosphere similar to that of the rabbit hole in Alice in wonderland, the listener tumbling further and further into a soundscape of nostalgic textured see-through guitars and Jake Vickers distinct vocals, as the song plays. The collaboration of this and the lyrics detailing uncertainty, ‘I don't know how to spot the truth, in that bag of smiles you gave me’ creates a masterpiece.
‘Never Looked Back’ does an excellent job of combining two contrasting tones into one beautiful package, positivity drips from the song’s instrumentation tainted with the questioning and almost paranoid tone of the lyrics of the track, perfectly describing the reality that comes with moving on.
In terms of influences, this track radiates several, however, Blossoms comes to mind the most with similarities in nostalgic synth perfectly combined with intriguing lyricism in this track.
You can stream ‘Never Looked Back’ by clicking the artwork below.