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Clash of the clans~Divides/Breathe in the Silence 3rd March 2017 Alma Inn,Bolton

Two bands are there to brighten the otherwise rainy, dull day. First up are Breathe in the Silence from south Wales, a very energetic band might I add. Lead singer, Adam Rossi throughout his bands set jumps around the makeshift stage but that doesn’t affect the clarity of every lyric he’s singing, passion thick within every word as he sings. Every movement adding fuel to the already present excitement of the crowd gathered before them. Every song making you more ecstatic for the next, each song leads effortlessly into each other. During one song, the lead singer of Divides, Nicole Mason is invited to sing with Adam Rossi and its such a magical sight to see, you can feel the combined passion and energy of them both as they sing. This is what happens when lead singers collide, it creates an explosion of inspiration and joy. Great minds think alike. I was lucky enough to talk to breathe in the silence before Divides set and they were incredibly genuine and so friendly. I felt incredibly proud when Adam thanked me for coming to the gig and enabling bands like them to continue doing what they love. Music really does bring people together and also changes lives. Next up were Divides, a wonderful band from ‘ever so sunny Scotland’. As soon as Nicole begins to sing Embers immediately the audience is captivated by her voice and her movements, within seconds the crowd people are swaying or moving along some even singing along to the music and although there was quite a lot of reverb from the microphone, Nicole didn’t let it dull her energy or stage presence she fought through it really well. I was incredibly lucky to have been invited to sing the chorus of Divides newest song ‘Make a Killing’ on stage with Nicole. Divides really are a band with incredible song writing talent, stage presence and very good hearts. They are also a band that is so inclusive with their crowd, they really do inspire and encourage their fans to be the best they can be and to follow their dreams no matter how crazy they sound. After their set, I caught up with Divides and I was informed that the lead singer had actually asked where I was and looked around for me as I arrived late. These little things add joy to a fan's experience because there is this wonderful intimacy within small gigs like this one. For fans to love a band it's not just how expensive the band's gear is or even sometimes just the music but it's also about how genuine the band are towards their fans. Divides also had the addition of former Yashin guitarist, Connor MacLeod who added some extra joy and energy to Divides set. Divides and Breathe In The Silence are bands that really deserve more recognition and they are definitely two bands that should be watched because they are both so talented and their performances are just captivating and they are so genuine and friendly. If you ever get time in the future go to one of their gigs, buy their merch, even something as simple as listening to their music can get them far. Fans are what keeps bands going, because without us what would be the point without an audience to watch.



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