//Song Review// Sylvette show the duality of life with new single 'Blanket of Dust'
There is a duality within everything in life, two sides of the story that create one full masterpiece, necessary balance to keep things spinning as they should.
‘Blanket of Dust’, the latest single from Manchester Art rock band Sylvette, talks about the balance of joy and pain within a person’s life and how we must embrace them both. Taking direct inspiration from the autobiographical film ‘shadowlands’, the track is both soothing and heart-breaking in its nature both musicality wise and lyrically.
The track captivates every part of your soul as you listen, carrying you through the story as if it were your own memories, a sense of familiarity flowing through the song’s melody of soft guitars, violin, and melodic vocals. Blanket of dust invites you to sit and listen of your own accord, you may not know you need it however you’ll appreciate the lesson learnt when it’s all over.
Influence wise, Blanket of dust is a collaboration of the lyricism of Jeff Buckley’s hallelujah and Radiohead’s mysterious musicality, an excellent mixed bag of elements that make the track a dream to listen to.
Blanket of dust is reflective in its nature and really showcases Sylvette at their finest, a new maturity and understanding can be heard within this track and solidifies them as one of the best upcoming bands within the Manchester scene.
You definitely don’t want to miss out on what’s to come next for Sylvette.
'Blanket of Dust' can be streamed by clicking the image below!
