//Song Review\\ Flowers of Evil and The Strangerz get active with latest single "Out of Bed"

In a world where everything is speeding by it can sometimes be a struggle to jump up and join the fun but with Manchester alt-pop group Flowers of Evil’s workout banger ‘Out of Bed featuring DIY punk band The Strangerz, you’ll find yourself reaching for the stairs in no time.
With synthy hyper-pop musicality and catchy lyricism, “Out of Bed” shines through the darkness while also addressing it, making this track a must for your playlists whether you’re at the gym or just going to the shops to buy some cherryade.
This track has got something for everyone to love, from addictive synth lines to high energy groove, it’s a brilliant meeting of minds, something that Flowers of Evil have become known for, including previous release Cherry-aid featuring Nikki and The Waves,(2022).
”Out of Bed’ shows that Flowers of Evil are here to stick around, and if the music continues to be this groovy then they are going to take the world of alt-pop by storm, it also shows a brilliant poppier new side to The Strangerz, both these bands are not playing around and I’m very excited to see where they both go.
Out of Bed can be streamed by clicking the artwork below.