Crook On The Wall solidify themselves as a band to watch with their latest single “Final Fall”
'Final Fall' is the latest single from manchester indie rock four piece Crook on the Wall,following on from their debut late last year with Imperial Mind (2023). Final Fall is best described as track is an indie rock treat that will have you come back for more with every listen.
From the get-go this track hooks you in,with electrifying guitar rhythms and captivating vocals that beckon you to listen with power and ferocity by the bucket load. 'Final Fall' showcases an exciting new venture in the band's journey to finding their sound,somewhere within the realms of early britpop and 90s rock with influences such as Blur and Red Hot Chilli Peppers clear within the tracks rich vocals and wider musicality.
Crook On the Wall may be young, but this band has an understanding of music that will get them very far.
You can stream “Final Fall” by clicking the artwork below.