//Song Review// Blessed Through the TV ~Cat Ryan

‘Blessed Through The Tv’ is the latest offering from Newcastle art-rock trio, Cat Ryan, following on from their critically acclaimed last single ‘Mannerism’ (2020).
‘Blessed through the tv’ is a track that possesses bright energy and excellent potential especially with its glittering synth, mixed instrumentation, stunning vocals (provided by Mary-Ann Murphy) and lyrics that centre around a main theme of half-heartedness And being stuck within the confusing limbo of abandoning ship or staying committed which many can relate to.
The track is a treasure trove of excellent and varied influences such as wolf-Alice and vampire weekend, however, it also has its own cool atmosphere that is perfectly Cat Ryan,which makes each listen something special. Cat Ryan are not a band to be missed,this is just the beginning for this incredible band/
You can stream ‘Blessed through the tv’ by clicking below: