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IST IST/Fears/Sylvette-Yes Pink Room Manchester-20/06/19

IST IST are one of those bands that you are drawn to, whether it be the name or their atmosphere, and with an exciting line-up, it was certain their YES Pink Room headline was to be a success.


Sheffield band, Fears, were first on stage with their ringing guitars and rhythmic vocals, when it was clear to hear them, at times I would say they were overpowered by the guitar riffs and drum thudding throughout the first two tracks.

They improved this by the third song 'Grey Matter ' which had the crowd engaged, nodding their heads along in response to the rhythmic beat and soft vocals.

Their third song was incredibly personal, and my personal favourite, 'this is for anyone who's ever been cheated on' and just from the way the lead singer moved and the clarity of his voice as well as the lyrics, that it was a song close to his heart. It was catchy and as the show went on, more people joined the herd in terms of interaction, smiles appearing on some faces, and feet moving.

'i just want everyone to take 3 steps forward, or 3 steps back' their lead singer communicated comedically dissolving any tension in the room after their last track and adding a lighthearted tone to their set.

Moving onto something rockier in nature, Fears set escalated to something stronger, especially in terms of vocals adding harmonies and synth here and there, and although that can work, there were some slightly off vocals but that didn't seem to discourage the crowd at all. 'Colourblind' was a stand out track when it came to lyrics with verses that could work incredibly well as call and response in the future due to its re-playable nature.

Throughout their set, they seemed to transform and improve with each track.

'thank you for being here, and enjoy the rest of the night' their lead singer spoke before flowing into their final song 'Error'.

t's bassy and it's well-executed compared to their first song which in parts was a little fuzzy. It won the crowd over almost straight away and was perfect to end with, it's vocals consistent and it's musically hypnotising and synthy adding a slight sense of nostalgia.

Personally, I couldn't see them at arenas but the way they had a whole venue clapping was fantastic, even asking the crowd to 'dance do whatever you want' which was the best interaction they had.

Overall, they were a good starter for the show in terms of energy, however, their stage presence wasn't all there I would say. college rock radio music.


After fears finished their set the room buzzed with energy and excited chatter in preparation for Sylvette. Prior to the show I had heard and reviewed Sylvette before musically but not had the chance to see them live so their set was one of curiosity for me, would they pull off the magic they have on record, on stage?

The answer is yes.

From the first note, you were almost transported to another world, with hypnotic vocals matched with indie like guitar riffs and tribal drums, Sylvette drew all eyes their way. The theatrics seemed to elevate with every word spoken by lead singer Charlie, who's stage presence seemed to shine through the room.

Just from their first track, you could see Sylvette were something special, and not your average band, with a violin/keyboard player. To the crowd's surprise and my own, it was announced that only two of the usual members were playing that show and the remaining 3 were only there for that show, you couldn't tell at all throughout I would say, it sounded like they had always been playing together. The show must always go on as they say.

Sylvette toned the high energy down with their second track 'Surrender' (unreleased at the time) which was poetic in tone, almost story-like lyrically,and although it was more relaxed compared to their previous track 'vision of the deep' it still had the pure passion and emotion emitting from it, you could feel it just from watching the members expressions change and the tapping of feet from the crowd.

Personally 'Surrender' was one of my favourites of the set due to its intensity when played and the violin just added an extra touch of theatrics and emotion.

In between tracks,Sylvette was like a separate entity, to when they played, almost shy compared to the eruption of energy they possessed on stage.

Moving onto 'Waiting in the bliss' from their recent ep of the same name, which started as a melancholic lament, slow and heartbreaking in tone, before growing into something passionate and intense.

Sylvette, although not a concept band, told a story throughout their set, even though some of the songs played were released separately, each one fitted in perfectly into the bigger picture creating a truly magical atmosphere.

Sylvette finished with 'Memories', which was already a personal favourite as I had recently written about it and it quickly became a favourite of the crowds as well, with some fans already cheering for thew track the begin. It was a hit with fans and non-fans alike, with its reverb style guitars and a mix soft and sharp violin paired with melodic vocals and intoxicating drums. Sylvette really shone throughout memories in terms of stage presence, which was strong and with a flawless musicality.

Sylvette are your new favourite band.

IST IST- Headline Band

Up next were the headline band of the evening, IST IST, and after the last band, they definitely had a tough act to follow. Not that the crowd were worried as chatter and excitement filled the room.

As soon as IST IST took the stage they captivated the crowd within seconds beginning with 'Wolves' with it's hypnotic vocals and almost mystic synth tones.

'You're Mine' had a mix of slow readers club-style vocals and reverb guitars which had the majority of the crowd moving along as if under some kind of spell, completely lost in those before them on the stage.

Both songs flowed perfectly into one another, you couldn't tell in parts where the first ended and the next one began. It was certainly a perfect introduction though.

Moving onto 'Jennifer's lips' the third track of the evening, had an almost storytelling quality with its repetitive chorus and verses alongside the intoxicating baseline throughout the track drawing you in. There was an almost magic atmosphere in the air as it was performed matching up well IST IST's 'mysterious' branding that they seem to have developed over the years. Similar to that of electronic legend Gary Numan.

This branding could be seen throughout, the music seemed to speak for the band bar a few little links between tracks from their lead singer. The best example of this I would say was within 'Son is the Father' which stood out as a track against the others, as it was one of the few times where movement on stage occurred alongside lights.

Everything about IST IST whether it be musicality or stage presence seemed to create a sense of intrigue around the band because the crowd were captivated by the music rather than the members dressed in black, which certainly makes them stand out as a band.

Not once were the band not applauded or cheered by all those in attendance from the first time fan to the year's dedicated fan. And rightly so, with their faultless performance.

'Emily' was a bass-driven track layered thick with drums perfectly married with powerful vocals, perfect for fans and non-fans alike to sink their teeth into. With the addition of futuristic synths, it took on a numanesque tone, dark and mysterious, which for me was what gave IST IST that extra kick.

Although they may not be the most original 4-piece in the world, they do have a way of making their own musicality stand out in between the mix of influences.

'Black' was a personal favourite as it had an excellent balance of synth, vocals and guitar, it wasn't harsh or rough in sound but still fully fleshed out and seamless overall, whereas 'Exist' was much slower in nature, raw and mature in sound. Both tracks were memorable and perfectly dark in tone and rhythm.

Not once did IST IST pause for a breather for more than probably 2 minutes, their lead singer lost in the performance, launching into song after song with no rest at some points.

'Under your skin' is passionate and separates itself as a powerful vocal track with a melodic, rhythmic chorus, which would very likely be stuck in your head for weeks after.

Moving onto 'Preacher's warning', it's sorrowful and deliciously horror-like, similar to that of a guard to an innocent trespasser. It seemed to a crowd favourite from the way the lyrics were recited back like a chants, juxtaposed to 'disappear' which came next, with a soulful, bright tone musically, but melancholic lyrically 'i want to disappear' is a lyric that rings through the room bringing it to complete silence, its emotional and raw in nature.' waiting for disaster that never comes'.

Up next, was one of the bands personal favourites 'Undignified' which had a roller coaster of energy, going from room shaking to a pin dropping, synth radiating through the lyrics taking them hostage, and it was truly welcomed by the crowd.

'Silence' was tempting and drew you in before throwing you back in shock when the chorus hits with a stinging velocity. The crowd response was anything but quiet especially when it came to singing along.

Ist Ist finished with 'Diversion' which sounded more like a story than a song as if a warning to those that pass and those who were in attendance. It started cool and quiet, but as soon as the breakdown came around, it roared with a vengeance, lyrics as if screaming to get out within the final vocal slam. Leaving the crowd gasping for more.

With the continued chants from the crowd, IST IST, retook the stage to deliver an unexpected encore 'I was about to get changed' one of the members joked causing a cheer from the crowd.

Flashing lights and ritual drums, their encore track, shone through the gloom of the set, setting the crowd singing and clapping to the beat of the track, arms moving in odd ways, feet off the crowd like in flight.

IST IST are not just a band, they are an absolute experience, they cannot be tamed.

This is how a gig is done.

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