Alumi Hands //Interview//
With a vague genre and a diy spirit,Aluminium hands are mysterious to many,the name is enough to draw you in without hearing any of their music,which them all the more exciting.
I interviewed lead singer Dean Mcdill about DIY music,musical inspirations and the meaning behind the name 'Aluminium Hands' As well as asking,why so vague?
First of all,Where did the name 'Aluminum hands' come from? Why that specific name?
I won’t go into too much detail for now, but I wanted to go with something that was oxymoronic, there’s definitely a nod to how instruments are used in a modern setting to express music eg the brain to the finger tips of the hand, playing an acoustic drum beat or a real instrument but on a laptop, there’s just something intriguing/humorous/worrying about that direction, it provokes emotion (at least to me)
Your last band 'Not looking like that' was a two piece,Alumi hands is a 3 piece,would you say there's a big difference between the two, other than the amount of members?
Absolutely although members do play a significant factor, you feed and play off the people around you and everyone’s eclectic tastes, influences and moxie help shape what you create together. In comparison to NLLT? I’d say It’s more sentient and layered. there’s a bigger focus on songwriting with more instruments which poses its own exciting opportunity’s and obstacles to overcome. NLLT was a spur of the moment and time between two people, very off the cuff and energy based which was my approach to writing the songs that we put out. I feel like I’ve taken what works from that and polished and improved my songwriting.
What is your favourite part of being a DIY band?
You simply have to do everything yourself you have the responsibility of having the power to create what and showcase what you want. With that responsibility comes self education and learning no ones holding your hand and you have no one to blame for your shortcomings. It humbles you and I think people can connect to it more when something comes directly from you by You, it’s real and people respect that more than slapping your name on a coaster and trying to overcharge them for it.
You describe your genre as 'Vague' what is the reason behind that?
I think too often people are quick to label things/themselves, If I said we where a pop band I would feel like I constantly have to write and deliver pop music (same with any genre) it wouldn’t feel and it wouldnt be organic, i would prefer to create and ask listeners what they think? And then go from there, I get that it’s easier to label yourself “new indie group” and then get a support slot playing under a bigger “indie” band because you’ve marketed yourself as the same genre but everyone has a wide range in music taste, so I’d like to put out a wide range of music and I wouldn’t want to be false advertising (shout out to false advertising btw great band! Haha)
What band/musican would you say has inspired you the most,both musically and personally?
Q5: It’s hard to narrow it down to just one, in terms of my approach to songwriting and guitar playing It would be people like jack white, st Vincent, prince, brian setzer, Gerard way, iggy pop and Alison Mosshart. But I’m continuously fascinated on how jack white is able to constantly innovate with the restrictions that sets himself, it’s something that’s definitely influenced my approach to music. I also think that the band DEAD! Where a great example of how bands should be using social media platforms to there advantage.
You're supporting Without Andrew and Ashestoangels at Ivory Blacks on the 7th of may,what is the most exciting part of that for you?
Other than seeing the lovely guys in without Andrew and playing with Ashes, I’m just excited to simply play in front of people live shows is why we do this, nothing beats it.
What is the most iconic music venue in Glasgow for you? Why is it iconic to you?
I mean it’s easy to say king tuts everyone’s played there from “pulp” “my chemical romance” “the kills” “white stripes” “arctic monkeys” the list is endless and it’s nice to be able to say that I’ve played there, but tbh I’m not really a venue snob It’s the audience and people that turn up that make it, the power is in the hands of you. It’s nice playing music venues but I’d be happy playing to people in someone’s flat just as much as a sold out show.
What can we expect from you in the future?
Music and Gigs..... Vague I know but I do enjoy the element of surprise, no one likes spoilers.
How to you keep motivated for writing music?
Adversity keeps me motivated. I feel like I constantly put my self in adverse situations, the fewer the tools you have the harder you have to work, comfort kills creativity. If you give youself all the time in the world, all the colours of the pallet and all the money to sustain a comfortable living, then your never fully work as hard and your never going to get things finished, having deadlines, scenarios and things that limit you bring more of a fight out, it forces you to work harder and i think ultimately you end with a better creation. If somethings easy your not working hard enough.
Who would you love to tour with?
I mean....anyone. who dosent want to tour? Hahah going to new places everyday and playing every night, I’d happily do that alongside anyone, of course “without Andrew” would be cool since there such nice people we’d sound pretty different which i think makes for a good clash of listeners to discover the other. Also Touring with “Viva amor” would be very eventful and wild, if him and the daydream start touring I’d love to be there.
You can see 'Aluminum hands' play their first show at Ivory Blacks,supporting Ashestoangels and Without Andrew on the 7th May.
Tickets available from their site.

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