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Only The poets-Interview

From their newest release to supporting Coasts on tour to some pretty down to earth riders,Only The Poets have been busy over the past month or so.I caught up with Only Poets lead singer Tom at Coasts Manchester show to ask about backstage antics and why there must be sweets on a potential tour rider.

whats your favourite era of music? (the 80s etc) For me personally,the era that i feel inspires us most is 90s britpop e.g:blur,blur really have large influence on us. we use that 90s influence in instruments and synth tracks on stage. So tonight (20th April) Is the first day of the coasts tour, what do you think you'll take from this tour? It will help us maintain energy through the week since we have to be professional as not only is it our first proper tour but there's no breaks at all,its a full week and so we have to stay professional at all times. How do you prepare backstage for a show? We always do a huddle because we feel like it unifies us and we really get a lot of comfort from each other before shows, I will always take 5 minutes to warm up to warm up vocally. One of us always needs the toliet though before every show. You released your newest single back in March,what has the feedback been like for that?

It's been very flattering and it was picked up by several music blogs and we got on the breaking alternative playlist on Apple music . we got best of the week in Japan. If you could have any rider on a tour what would it consist of? Batteries and ,I'll tell you why, because our monitoring packs always run low, Carrots and hummus,sweets, we absolutely love sweets and beer and gin. Now as you'll be travelling from place to place who's on your tour playlist? Honestly we talk a lot when we're travelling and we all have our separate playlists but personally i listen to Tom mesh because he's very laid back and keeps you chilled.I also listen to a lot of Frank ocean since hes mellow. Are there any interesting tour stories you can tell us about? Well, there aren't many although our first show, our drummer's stick broke in half. What is your approach to songwriting? Lyrics and melody come from me mostly and my experiences and we can all relate to them,like many of our songs are about relationships and being in and out of them. We are all involved in our individual music parts though and then we all bring it together to create a full song.But like in many bands the lead singer does a lot of the lyrical writing. The description for dead young is a young relationship and about saying goodbye and meaning it even though you want to call them drunk at 3 am,Have you ever done that yourself? I almost did it,the intention was there but I didn't do it. But it almost happened and the song came from that experience. Here's a very important question,are any of you poets? Unfortunately not however, the name actually comes from a political speech we found one day and its now our set introduction for shows.

Only The Poets new single 'Dead young' is out now,click the below below to listen.

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