Scruff of The Neck End Of Year Blowout- Review
When record companies put on shows like this you never know what to expect,the Scruff of the neck End Of Year Blow out though was beyond exceptions.There was such a vast array of talented bands.
Every band was different and unique in its own way from the classic suit looks of Cavana to the huge stage presence of The Bright Black.This show was two floors of pure musical greatness.
Bands such as the Bright Black in the basement who managed to fill the room to almost bursting point,before they even came on you could feel the excitement in the room for them.When they came on within seconds they had people dancing and cheering with joy and it felt special to see such stage presence from the lead singer,dancing and swaying his hips,his voice carrying and filling the small room.
Other bands such as Puppet theory showed that sometimes jumping is enough to drive a crowd crazy,along with inside jokes relating to one of their merch items bein a ‘hug from johnny,£1’ which added so much uniqueness and excellence to their performance,they were outstanding every beat and lyric was welcomed by the dancing,singing crowd,every beat was hit and every lyric rang out clear and was carried on by the voices of many crowd members.
Bands such as foxglove encouraged the crowd to dance and get involved,their lead singer dancing herself which encouraged so many others to do so,the crowd didn’t miss a lyric no matter if they were new to the band or old fans,everyone focused on them for the whole set and its difficult to keep a crowd so drawn in.It was very impressive.
Corella were another band who filled a room very quickly,people were cheering for them even when they were setting up they seemed to be a crowd favourite,many of the crowd knew them well it seemed which can be both a good and a bad thin,it was more of a good thin though before the crowd went wild every time they said something which is something incredible to witness.
On the main stage bands like closing act Ist Ist filled the room within seconds,the lead singers voice very similar to that of Ian Curtis from Joy division,it was distinct and could be heard even outside the venue,their stage presence was good however compared to bands such as The Bright black it wasn’t as extravagant,much of their performance was walking around the stage where as other bands were dancing around and interacting with the other band members,although their set and their performance was excellent sound wise.
There wasn’t a flaw really within this show at all,there wasn’t one band that disappointed every single band is a treasure to the Manchester music scene,every band that I interacted with and spoke to were friendly and very welcoming,support your local music scene because bands like those who performed at this show,have the potential to go very very far and by buying their merch,their CDs ,going to their gigs can help them get there.
Scruff of the neck know good music when they see it and they know how to put together a good line up. Another night,another mind blowing show.