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The Sulks-Interview

Borrowing from your dad's CD collection isn't uncommon for many of us including myself,most of my music collection is (borrowed with asking) from my dad's collection.Anyway that's not the point.

I interviewed The Sulks about borrowing cds from their dad's music collection,why they make music, who they draw inspiration from for their music and how they work better in a team.

Who do you draw inspiration from?

I think the core of my influence branches from The Beatles as they're a band I've been fascinated with from a young age. These days I don't really fixate on something in particular. I think it's difficult to pinpoint an inspiration for my bass playing because I kind of just do my own thing without necessarily asking myself "What would the likes of John Paul Jones do?". If something locks in well with the drums and sounds good, I roll with it.

What was the first album you ever bought

I was never really into buying my own CDs when I was younger. I kind of just borrowed from my dad's collection. I think the first CD I ever bought of my own accord was Adam Green's Garfield.

Why do you make music? Is it because of it make you feel or something else?

I don't actually have a set answer. I suppose it really comes down to the fact it's something I enjoy and gives a sense of reward. I like working with other musicians because everybody has such a unique means of working musically. I've written myself but nothings ever come to function , which is why I much prefer working with others.

Which one of your songs is your favourite?

Uh, Here Comes the Night. I think it's one of the more progressive songs and the bass in the second verse is fun to play. When I first heard the demo the chorus really struck me because it was unexpected. I'm a sucker for a good call and response.

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