//Song Review\\ Y!KES get real with new single 'Iron Deficiency'
‘Iron Deficiency’ is the latest single from Birmingham anti-pop rock band Yikes! Following on from the release of previous single ‘God Mode’ earlier in the year.
From the get-go, this track packs a powerful punch with heavy grunge guitar riffs and reverb vocals reflecting the darkness of the track’s subject matter, something that once you’ve caught onto you cannot forget. ‘Iron Deficiency’ captures the listener with addictive lyricism and a message of doing better for the world around us in a fantastic 3:27 playtime.
There is no doubt that this song will become a staple within the band’s live set, if not for its lyricism its high energy groove and undeniably brilliant psychedelic influences.
‘Iron Deficiency’ is a track listeners will find themselves coming back to again and again, I certainly know I will be. If that’s not enough, the upcoming music video is just around the corner.
‘Iron Deficiency” is out now on all streaming platforms, you can click below to hear the track on Spotify.
