//Song Review// Jekyll shine a light into the shadows with atmospheric track 'Tear Ourselves in Two'

‘Tear ourselves in two’ is the atmospheric new single from Blackpool four-piece Jekyll that will have you breathless and most likely weeping (in a good sense) by its final note, thanks to a perfect combination of simple yet effective lyricism and sombre musicality that seem to captivate the soul within seconds of its simple yet impactful intro.
This is the sort of track that wriggles its way into your heart, telling not only its own story but providing a backdrop for others to tell theirs, as if wrapping an arm around the listener in comfort while also seeing through the mask, a strange juxtaposition of exposure and healing all wrapped into a musical package that packs a powerful emotional punch while also being a light at the end of the tunnel.
The track is taken from the band’s upcoming debut album,and is sure to be a standout with influences of Radiohead and Muse taking a forefront throughout; a calm introduction leading to a crescendo of heightened action to finish out the adventure of the song.
With the darkness of the past year still looming even as the world begins to heal, it’s important to remember that we aren’t alone, that there are people we can lean on, this track further pushes this inspiring message.
‘Tear ourselves in two’ is a beacon of light that will bring everyone that little bit closer in heart and soon enough together in person.
'Tear ourselves in two' is streaming on all platforms. (spotify linked two the artwork below)